VTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator

What is VTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator ?

A VTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator is a tool used by students of Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) to convert their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) into a percentage.

VTU uses a specific formula to make this conversion, allowing students to understand their academic performance in percentage terms, which is often required for job applications, further studies, or other purposes.

Here’s a simple explanation of how it works:

1.CGPA : Your CGPA is the average of your grade points over all the semesters you have completed at VTU.

2.Conversion Formula : VTU typically uses the below formula’s to convert SGPA or CGPA into Percentage ;

a)Percentage=(CGPA−0.75)×10 —–>For 2018 Scheme

b)Percentage=(CGPA)×10 —–>For 2021 & 2022 Scheme

3.Using the Calculator : You input your CGPA into the calculator, which then applies the conversion formula based on the scheme selected to give you the equivalent percentage.

This tool simplifies the process, ensuring you get accurate and quick results without manual calculations.