VTU External Passing Marks Calculator

The VTU external passing marks refer to the minimum marks you need to obtain out of 100 in the external exam to pass or clear the subject or course.

What are the passing marks in VTU?

To clear or pass a theory subject in VTU, you must fulfill the following two criteria:

  1. You must score at least 35% of the maximum marks, i.e., 35 out of 100, in the external exam.
  2. The CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) + SEE (Semester End Examination) aggregate should be a minimum of 40% of the maximum marks, i.e., 40 out of 100.
Note : Even if you have scored the minimum CIE marks (40%) and SEE marks (35 out of 100), the combined CIE + SEE marks should be at least 40% of the maximum marks. Only then will the subject be considered passed or cleared.

Since the minimum SEE marks are 35%, we can’t say that you will clear your course by scoring just 35 marks in the external exam. Along with this, the CIE+SEE aggregate should be 40%. When you input your CIE marks in the VTU external passing marks calculator on our website, the tool will check the percentage of marks you have scored in CIE. It will then show the minimum marks you need to score in the external exam to ensure that the combined CIE+SEE marks will be at least 40%.